Legal counsel
We provide complex legal service of companies.
Legal counsel
The Chudzik i Wspólnicy Law Firm’s staff comprises lawyers who are specialists in such branches of the law as labor law, taxation law as well as company law, which allows, which ensures that any type of business can be comprehensively serviced.
The experience acquired by the Partners of the Chudzik i Wspólnicy Law Firm enables it to provide legal counsel and legal service at the highest-possible level even to industries of a special nature, requiring a particular approach, such as the manufacturing, pharmaceutical, food-and-catering and construction.
The complex service of businesses
- registering new entities
- legal assistance with ongoing business activity
- ongoing service of commercial law companies in terms of corporation law
- preparing and supervising business transactions
- negotiating contracts
- preparing and supervising restructuring, bankruptcy and liquidation processes for companies
- representing businesses before public administration authorities as well as administrative and common courts
Construction Law
- preparing and supervising the whole investment process
- representation before construction business authorities as well as administrative courts of all instances in terms of building conditions verdicts and construction permit verdicts
- representation before common courts in matters relating to disputes between investors and contractors
Labor Law
- preparing and reviewing/evaluating templates for labour law documents, including internal legal acts
- representation before common courts in matters relating to labour law and social securities
- ongoing legal counsel in matters relating to labour law and social securities, including the preparation of legal opinions
- representation before the PIP (National Labour Inspectorate), ZUS (Social Securities Board), PFRON (State Fund of Rehabilitation of Handicapped People) and other national administrative authorities
- legal assistance for employees and unions, including legal counsel and representation before arbitration courts
CHUDZIK i WSPÓLNICY Prawo i Podatki sp. k.
ul. A. Zelwerowicza 41 lok. 2, 90‑147 Łódź
email: sekretariat@chudzik.pl, tel. +48 42 680 23 33
KRS: 1044829, NIP: 7252044673, REGON: 101079331