Labour law and employment of foreigners

The specialists at Chudzik and Partners provide professional advice in the field of labour law. Our assistance includes, in particular:

– drawing up and review of model documents in the field of labour law, including internal legal acts,

– representation before common courts in labour law and social insurance cases,

– ongoing legal assistance in labour and social insurance law, as well as drawing up legal opinions,

– representation before the National Labour Inspectorate, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), National Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON) and other national administrative authorities,

– legal assistance to employees and trade unions, including legal advice and representation before arbitration courts.

Polish companies increasingly often decide to employ foreigners. However, hiring a person who is not a Polish citizen requires additional formalities to be completed. Our lawyers help to obtain all the documents needed to commence employment by foreigners in Poland and related to the legalisation of their stay in the country, including work permits and residence cards.

Our specialists gained their experience and knowledge while providing legal services to temporary employment agencies and companies from the real estate, construction and pharmaceutical industries. That allows us to offer comprehensive legal services to employers hiring foreign nationals from the EU and non-EU states, in particular, while drafting employment contracts, civil-law contracts for foreign nationals, agreements and internal procedures regarding the employment of foreigners.

CHUDZIK i WSPÓLNICY Prawo i Podatki sp. k.

ul. A. Zelwerowicza 41 lok. 2, 90‑147 Łódź
email:, tel. +48 42 680 23 33
KRS: 1044829, NIP: 7252044673, REGON: 101079331